
We are excited to share the release of a new Grails plugin called Schwartz! This new plugin has been in the works for awhile at Agile Orbit and we are excited to finally release it! The plugin is released under the Apache 2.0 open-source license.

The Schwartz plugin integrates the Quartz Enterprise Job Scheduler with Grails, making it easy to schedule and manage recurring and ad-hoc jobs for asynchronous and synchronous processing. The plugin is similar at a high level to the existing Quartz plugin. The two plugins are similar in many ways, but significantly different in others. There are lots of details about the differences in the extensive plugin documentation.

The documentation also has tutorials for creating jobs, setting up JDBC tables and clustering.

We think the Schwartz plugin is a great alternative to the current Quartz plugin! Hopefully you will too! We look forward to hearing your feedback on Schwartz!

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Bobby Warner



Agile Orbit

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